FOR A LONG time now, people on Twitter have been compiling threads composed entirely of photographs of Rihanna stealing wineglasses from restaurants, bars and nightclubs.
There are literally dozens and dozens of photos of Rihanna casually walking down the street holding a glass of white while the paps hound her. You can see an example of one of these threads here.
Last night, Graham decided that now was his chance to ask her about all of the glasses she has stolen. He warned the rest of the Ocean’s 8 cast to keep an eye on Rihanna.
Watch yourself around Rihanna. Rihanna, I don’t know if you know how criminal you are.
Graham continued:
Let’s just look at this picture. Did you ask permission from the club, when you left holding this glass?
Rihanna awkwardly explained “That might have been one that I took to the club…”
Graham showed her another photo of her leaving a fashion show holding a glass, and she insisted “I took that one BACK to the hotel that I took it from.” Rihanna then said that she was worried her mother was going to see this. She’s just like us. Apart from the bit where she’s richer, more talented and more glamorous than any of us could ever dream of being.
Next, Graham discussed some of her outfit choices at the Met Gala.
We had this year’s costume:
Graham was really curious as to how Rihanna managed to travel to the Met Gala in such an awkward to sit in outfit. Sandra Bullock jokingly said that Rihanna traveled to the Met Gala in a pope-mobile. Rihanna explained:
This one was a piece of cake compared to the yellow situation.
She then reminded Graham and the audience members of 2015′s outfit:
How could we forget? Here’s how she managed to go to the award show in that outfit.
I had to choreograph… I got a stretch limo. I put the garment in the car first, then I had to put it on in the car but the train actually had to come out first so that I wasn’t dragging it out.
Six people were given choreography and training on how to get Rihanna in and out of her car that day, because she couldn’t lift the dress by herself.
Graham then went on to show Rihanna some of the memes that had been made of her dress, including that time it was photoshopped as a pizza, an omelette and a pastry.